
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Basket Liner Redo

A good friend of mine is having her second baby - a little girl. I only have Andyroo so I don't get to make much girly stuff. When I got the invitation to her baby shower, my mind started reeling with all sorts of girly stuff I could make. I knew a gift basket was in order, so I set out to find a basket that could not only be used for the gift, but that could also be used around the house or in the baby's room.

I found the basket at the thrift store and decided I could easily make a liner for it. I definitely should have gone for something without curves! I agonized over it for a few days (longer than I should have) and then finally decided on a plan of attack. Ultimately, this is what I came up with.

After taking all the measurements, I got out some white tissue paper to make a pattern. I cut the bottom and square sides based on the measurements, adding a bit for seam allowance. I don't have any fancy tools or equations to get the curve just right, so I just laid basket on the tissue paper with the curved side down and traced it.

This is the tissue paper pattern on the material. Isn't that material super cute? I wanted something a little girly, but not so girly that the mom wouldn't want to use it in the baby's room (since she and her older brother will be sharing a room for a while). It's from the home decor section in Joann's. It's not as stiff as a canvas material, but holds up better than a cotton.

I cut out the curve, cut 2 (since the curve was the same on both of the long sides) and then cut down the curved pattern piece a bit to make the outside part that sits over the curve.

The piece folded over the front of the basket is what I'm talking about. I cut it off so that I could have about 2.5 inches hanging over the side. This is the part that I was agonizing over, but after I figured out what I was going to do, it really wasn't that hard. I should have started a few days sooner...then I wouldn't have been putting everything together right up until the minute I left the house!

I don't have a serger, so I just turned under the seams that were going to be under the outside of the basket and I didn't worry about what would be inside up against the basket. It was a lot of raw edges, but I was using a new sewing machine and was trying to stick with simple straight stitches.

The side piece is a little different too.

Because of the placement of the handles, I cut a little "flap" coming out of the top of the pattern piece to go through the middle of the handle. Here's a view from the inside.

Can you see how It's cut off at about the height of the basket (look for the stitches) but part of it folds over through the handle?

To sew the liner, I started by hemming the straight sides (the long side and the 2 short sides) of the small curved panel. Then I put the small curved panel and the large curved panel right sides together and sewed them together. I also hemmed the top of the handle-side panels.

Sorry for the lack of pictures. Like I said, I was a little pressed for time and wasn't exactly planning on making this a tutorial post.

Anyway, After the curved panels were sewn together, I sewed all 4 of the side panels together before attaching the bottom. Attach the bottom and then make sure it fits your basket. After putting it in the basket to see how it fit, I decided the piece going through the handle was too long, so I sewed it up a little bit more.

Once it fit properly, I grabbed some ribbon to attach to the sides to keep the basket in place. I just used a simple white grosgrain ribbon.

Can you see how one piece of ribbon attaches to the part that comes through the handle and to the part that folds over the curve of the basket? I did 4 of these to go around each corner of the basket.

And there's the finished liner! Do you have a basket that needs a new liner? I definitely do, so I think I see a few new basket liners in my future!

Tune in later this week to see how I turned this newly lined basket into a baby shower gift basket!

We're linking up with these super awesome parties:

Whatever Goes Wednesday, Idea Sharing Wednseday, What I Made Wednesday, Creative-ly U, Feature Yourself Friday, Just Something I Whipped Up, Frugal FridayDIY Under $5, Lovely Little Linkup, Craftastic Monday

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