
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Traveling Project #3 - Quiet Book

This is the third in our Traveling Project series. Be sure to check out the other posts in this series. Links are at the bottom!
While the thought of making a quiet book strikes fear into the hearts of many mothers, rest assured that you need not fear. There are so many tutorials and patterns available that you really don't have to have much creativity in order to create an awesome, well-loved quiet book. Also know that this post is just an overview of the quiet book I made for Andyroo. I'll be posting some more information and tutorials on the specific pages over the next couple weeks. In the meantime, if you have any questions about specific pages that you'd like me to address, please feel free to ask them now so I can make sure I answer them when I post the tutorials.

On to the quiet book!

Page 1: Matching Shapes/Colors

The shapes snap on with little snaps - also helps with fine motor skills!

Page 2: Barnyard Finger Puppets

All the animals tuck away safely in the barn

Big enough to fit mom's fingers, but small enough to fit Andyroo's fingers too!

Page 3: Alphabet/Letters/Spelling

Don't mind the missing "I" - I think it's in my son's room and it's naptime, so I'm not going in and searching for it!

The missing "I" came in handy! Each letter has an outline on the page and sticks with velcro.

On the bottom of the 2nd page, there's a blank space so that as Andyroo gets older, he can start to spell simple words.

Page 4:  Numbers/Counting

Cute little flaps with objects to count
Page 5: Notebook and Pencil

There's a slot for a small notebook on the right and a pen/pencil/crayon/etc on the left. There's a flap over the top to keep them in when they're not being used.

Okay, okay, the notebook and pencil aren't really in there. But I didn't want to track them down again.

Page 6: Train Tracks

The trains and boat are attached with embroidery floss to the middle ring.

Cover: Back and Front

Each page has 3 grommets and is bound with 3 book rings (the ones that open and close)

There are a few other pages that aren't complete yet - a Shoe for lacing and tying, Flowers for buttoning (I need to figure out the buttonholing feature on my sewing machine first), and a couploe other pages for cars and such.

Hopefully this inspired you to make your own quiet book. Be sure to stay tuned for some tutorials and more information about the specific pages!

Be sure to check out our other articles and projects to help prepare for your vacations:

Traveling Project #1 - Neck Pillow
Traveling Project #2 - Car Mat
Traveling on a Plane with Small Children
Road Trips with Small Children

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