
Sunday, August 7, 2011

FHE Idea - My Body is a Temple/Modesty

Song: The Lord Gave me a Temple (Children's Songbook #153) (Download the song here or see and hear the music here)

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Lesson Ideas:
  • Review the standards outlined in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. If you don't have a copy available, you can purchase one at the Distribution Center or view the pamphlet online.
Throughout your lesson, be sure to discuss that our bodies are a gift from Heavenly Father - that we are to keep them safe, clean, and  dressed appropriately. Consider reading through this article and even sharing part of it throughout your lesson. (The Sanctity of the Body by Susan W. Tanner, given October 2005 General Conference)
Dress and Appearance Servants of God have always counseled his children to dress modestly to show respect for him and for themselves. Because the way you dress sends messages about yourself to others and often influences the way you and others act, you should dress in such a way as to bring out the best in yourself and those around you. However, if you wear an immodest bathing suit because it's "the style," it sends a message that you are using your body to get attention and approval, and that modesty is not important.

Immodest clothing includes short shorts, tight pants, and other revealing attire. Young women should refrain from wearing off-the-shoulder, low-cut, or revealing clothes. Young men should similarly maintain modesty in their dress. All should avoid tight fitting or revealing clothes and extremes in clothing and appearance.

As Latter-day Saint youth, you can also show respect for the Lord and yourselves by dressing appropriately for Church meetings and activities, whether on Sunday or during the week. If you are not sure what's appropriate, ask for guidelines from your parents, advisers, and bishop. (Taken from the FTSOY Pamphlet found online) 
  • Discuss some ways to ensure that our clothes are modest. Some tips and tricks that I've found to help children (and adults) know what is and isn't modest.
    • Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (found here and here on Basically you use the song to help determine if there are any gaps in modesty. Put your hands on your head - if your shirt lifts up and shows your belly, it needs to be longer. Put your hands on your shoulders - your shirt needs more sleeve/neck length if you can feel bare skin. Also look at button holes for straining (it might be too tight) and at the armholes. Put your hands on your knees and toes- you shouldn't expose anything between the back of your shirt and pants or at your neckline.
    • One thing that I was always taught growing up was to put your hands down at your sides. If the tips of the fingers go past the bottom of your shorts or skirt, then it is too short.
    • Discuss how when buying new clothes, we should not only try them on, but see how they fit when we move around. Can you bend over without exposing your underwear/garments? Remember that often, clothing will shrink once it's washed and dried.
  • Consider talking about how not only does Modesty imply that we shouldn't show too much, but that we should also take into consideration the extremeness of our appearance. That includes our hairstyles, our makeup, and even the choice of clothing. Even if it covers everything, it may still be a little too extreme.
  • If your children are younger and you'd like a good object lesson, consider using these Modest Paper Dolls and discuss how the clothing is modest and covers everything it should. You could also just find pictures in magazines (especially church magazines where you know you'll find good pictures) of people who are dressed modestly. If your children are old enough to make comparisons, you might find pictures of people dressed modestly and immodestly (not too immodest, of course) and let your children see and discuss the differences.
Do you have any tips on making sure your dress and appearance is modest or how to teach your children about the importance of modesty?

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