
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shoes For The Shoeless In Iraq

I have a friend who is deployed with the Army over in Iraq. She is the kind of person I want to be someday. She is taking her leave here in Hawaii and going to be staying with us for a week. I came to her with a million ideas of fun things we could do while she's here. Well....guess what she wants to do? A service project to help shoeless children over in Iraq. In my attempt to be more like her I have posted on my facebook page about her cause and now I am blogging about it. :)

Would you like to help out? Here is the info:

Who is doing this project?
Her name is Jeanette. She is a great gal who is deployed over in Iraq and sees and interacts first hand with the children.

What does she want to do?
Jeanette is trying to collect shoes for children who walk around barefoot everywhere. The ones that do have shoes don't have it so great either. Their shoes are falling apart literally and so they will be barefoot very soon.

How can I help?
If you have old shoes that your kiddos don't use anymore you can send them to this addy below. Remember any and all shoes will work. Sandals, tennis shoes, flip flops, crocks, and in any color and size.

Jeanette DeForest
25th ID HHBN S3
APO AE 09344

You're all so awesome!! Thanks in advance for participating :)

This post was written by Heather

1 comment:

  1. This is great and will send some help. Thanks for sharing.


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