
Monday, July 11, 2011

Family Home Evening Idea - Temples

This month in Primary, the kids are learning about the temple, so I thought it might be a good idea to reinforce what they're learning by talking about the temples at home. If you were married/sealed in the temple, be sure to have some of your pictures available. Consider having pictures of family members - grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc, that were also married in the temple.

Song: I Love to see the Temple, Children's Songbook #95 (Download the song here or see and hear the music here)

Scripture: D&C 124:39-40

Activity Ideas (Choose 1 or 2, don't feel like you have to do them all!):
  1. If you live close enough to a temple, you might consider taking the kiddos over to the temple and taking a walk around the temple while talking about it. Let you kids ask any questions they have about the temple. Maybe point out where they go to do Baptisms for the Dead, where the general entrance is, where couples come out after they're married, etc. Talk about how the temple was built (check online for any stories, time lines, etc). If you need help answering their questions, you can refer to the Temple FAQ. You can also find a lot of interesting facts about your local temple at
  2. Gather pictures of various temples (you can find pictures online or consider checking some out from your ward's library) that have meaning to your family - where you/grandparents were/will be sealed, where you served a mission, where you did your endowments, etc. Discuss why they're important and the things that we should be doing in order to be worthy to attend the temple.
  3. Try building your own temples! Use play dough, blocks, cardboard & paint, etc. As you're building them, discuss different elements that they may see on the temple (especially your local one). Make sure to put an Angel Moroni on the top!
  4. To give the kids a peek of the inside of the temple (because who isn't curious about what the inside is actually like?), consider getting the Temples Magazine/Booklet put out by the church. You should be able to find it at a distribution center or LDS bookstore like Deseret Book or Seagull Book. You'll find great pictures of the sealing room, the baptismal font, etc. This might be a good opportunity to address questions about what goes on in the temple.
  5. Come up with a list of some things that we should be doing to be worthy to go to the temple (reading scriptures, praying, etc). Find a picture of the temple (don't use your good one - I recommend just printing one out from the internet) and cut it up into that many pieces. On the back of each piece, write one of those items. You can hide the pieces or just have them out and ready to go. As you put the puzzle together, discuss what each of those things means and how they apply.
I hope you found some inspiration to plan an awesome Family Home Evening! What other ideas do you have to discuss temples?

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