
Thursday, September 1, 2011

We're Versatile!

Guess what? We were given our very first blog award!

Pretty cool, 'eh? We're very excited! Thanks to Rhiannon from My Handcrafted Home for sharing the bloggy love! Part of the award is to share some things about ourselves. We're supposed to share 7, so since there are two of us writing this blog together, we're each going to share 7, so you get to read twice as much of the funny stuff! Yay for you!

About Miranda:
1. I'm a lifetime crafter. I was putting together my own scrapbooks when I was about 8. I started dabbling in sewing when I was about 14 or 15. And I've been going strong ever since!!

2. I love exclamation points!!! Despite what my teachers said about them losing their impact when you over use them, I still totally over use them.

3. I hate cleaning. Before I had Andyroo, I used to set aside one whole day (usually a night while Hubs was at work) just for cleaning and get it done in one fell swoop. Not anymore. If you ever come to my house, please don't judge the fact that the dishes are piled in the sink and that there are crumbs on the floor. Also, if you ever come to my house, don't look in stove. If you hate dishes as much as I do, then you'll understand. One day we'll have a dishwasher and I won't have to resort to hiding them when someone shows up unexpectedly. At least my son is happy! And don't worry. Despite the fact that I don't like cleaning, I do, in fact, clean. I just put it off as long as possible.
4. I hate answering the door. Since we live in a basement, I can accomplish this pretty easily. The main door is upstairs at ground level (and through a patio-type room), so I usually (honestly) don't hear knocks. I also unplug the doorbell on a regular basis, except when I'm expecting someone (like Visiting Teachers). Anyone who I want to see knows to either knock on the window or call/text first. I'm just anti-social like that.

5. I love my pajamas. Probably way too much. I'll change if I have to leave the house, but when I come back home, I usually at least change my pants. I practically live in my stretchy, yoga-type pants. If by chance you come for a visit (and if I open the door for you), you'll probably be greeted with pajamas. If I'm expecting someone, I'll at least change my shirt to something (usually) clean. So, don't judge me when you see me walking around in my grubby, black PJ pants. I'm comfortable.

6. I'm desperate to have another baby. Okay, maybe desperate isn't the right word. Maybe I should just say that I'm baby hungry? It's not the right time though, and I know that. In the meantime I'll just get all the snuggles in with our neighbor's baby.

7. I stay up way too late. So late, in fact that Heather, who lives in Hawaii, knows that she can text me at 1 or 2 am and I'll respond! After bedtime is my quiet/blogging time. I hate for it to end! Plus, Hubs likes to stay up late. I usually blame our late nights on him (because he's engrossed in a movie or game), but I really don't mind. Don't tell him I said that though.

About Heather:
1. I have an addiction to Pinterest. I can't get enough! Not to defend an addiction or anything but I know I'm not alone!!! LOL

2. I love to laugh. I laugh when I'm happy, when I'm mad, and I can laugh until I cry. Miranda and I have had too much fun and pain laughing over ridiculous nonsense.

3. I love self help books and articles.

4. My favorite color is pink. I get excited when I see bright colors, glitter, or sparkly anything.

5. I want to do motivational speaking someday.

6. I am a yellow personality. Yellows love to socialize and throw parties. Yellows hate overbearing personalities and drama. They avoid drama like the plague. I just love to have fun. :D

7. Life in the Motherhood is my first blog.

We're also supposed to pass this award onto 10 other recently discovered blogs, so here is who we're giving this award to:

1. Tanya at Kreative Korner
2. Meaghan at Raising our Family
3. Em at And Nothing Else Matters
4. Trish at Mom on Time Out
5. Carrie at The Created Home
6. Brie at Darling Doodles
7. Lauryn at Love Notes by Lauren
8. Mary at Sweetwater Style
9. Cookie from Cookie & Claire
10. Jess at Drops of Motherhood

So to those 10 bloggers, you must also share 7 things about yourself and pass this award on to 10 other recently discovered blogs! Be sure to grab the button and display it proudly! Have fun!


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